The July 23 ASSP News article highlights tips for employees now working from home and follows an April 2020 podcast on the same subject. Exponent EHF Director of Consulting Services Rachel Michael CPE, CHSP is featured in the article which includes strategies for supported posture, changes in posture or breaks, and having the right tools and equipment.
For example, if all you have is a laptop, considering using a laptop riser or sleeve to elevate the laptop screen. If your company doesn’t provide such equipment and you’re not to purchase it on your own, Michael suggests using books or binders to elevate your laptop screen into a more comfortable position.
Michael stresses that, if you are working from a laptop and experiencing back pain, you’ll need to look at solutions beyond your work chair.
“That pulled forward posture is going to be present regardless of what chair you have if you don’t address the height of the laptop screen or add peripheral tools such as an external keyboard, external mouse or external monitor,” she says.
Michael also encourages at-home workers to talk with their organizations about any corporate purchasing discounts that may be available through office equipment suppliers. If you don’t have access to corporate discounts for home office equipment reach out to Exponent EHF at [email protected] to see if you qualify for utilizing our corporate discount for your home office equipment needs!
#exponentehf #ergonomics #humanfactors #workfromhome
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