Traditional accident investigations and the associated data and root cause analysis was not adequately directing prevention of Musculoskeletal Disorder (MSD) type injuries
Specific details around MSD injuries were not consistently captured in injury reports
Determine best practice gaps in current accident investigation and make improvements to process specific to root cause analysis of MSD type incidents.
3 years of MSD loss data accident investigation reports were reviewed against best practice related to MSD risk identification and future incident prevention
Found gaps/trends were addressed with EHS team and Workers’ Compensation Program Third Party Administrator (TPA)
EHS teams participated in an interactive 3-hour training detailing project, findings, MSD injury investigation best practices and future processes which would be different from other accident investigations
Adjusted TPA scripts and drop-down menus for this client and their unique needs when reporting a new MSD incident/injury
MSD accident/incident investigation focused on actionable prevention and specific training
EHS team knowledgeable in best practices around MSD investigation and impowered through new process to improve root cause analysis and future prevention of MSD incidents