Rachel Michael CPE, CHSP and Director of Consulting Services for Exponent EHF was featured in ASSP’s Safety Standards and Tech Pubs podcast seriesRachel suggests that those newly working from home should consider breaking up the laptop to be the top priority. Raising the screen height and using an external keyboard is likely going to be the least costly option for many, but secondary monitors are a solution which may increase productivity and comfort.

Rachel also reminds us that the human body is resilient and not to be too hard on ourselves if we can’t set up an ideal home office at this time. She recommends that frequent breaks, movement and changes in position are key the more we deviate from good ergonomics.

Rachel notes that many organizations did not have a policy in place to address what equipment would be provided for employees working from home. In the absence of policy, some organizations are allowing employees to self-purchase equipment such as an external keyboards, mice, and monitors, with the organization’s discounted purchasing power.

She also comments that increased exposure to electronic screens may negatively impact eye health of adults and children and reminds us we are able to model good computer use habits for children who are experiencing a sharp increase in computer use at this time. Listen Here.

#exponentehf is extending our corporate purchasing power for anyone looking to outfit their home offices with good #ergonomics.  We have always offered virtual office assessment and currently offer reduced pricing for work-from-home employees who wish to speak to an ergonomist to set up their home office space. Contact us for discounted pricing on home office furniture and accessories or for assistance with drafting your organization’s #workfromhome policies.

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